Greenfaith Hosts “Ground for Hope” in Westchester

One of the main inspirations for the formation of the LI Interfaith Environment Network ( was Greenfaith, a NJ-based nonprofit that helps faith institutions to embrace sustainability values and to take action as role models in their communities. Run by the charismatic Reverend Fletcher Harper, Greenfaith provides numerous programs to engage the faith community in environmental stewardship, including hosting forums entitled “Ground for Faith.”  On March 11, 2012 a forum was held at Iona College in New Rochelle, NY in collaboration with multiple local partners. Topics included food and faith, sacred texts and the earth, and green facility management. The day also featured multi-faith prayers from Christian, Jewish, Muslim, and Buddhist traditions, centered on the shared wish to bring about a spirit of awareness and stewardship. A very inspiring day indeed, which we hope to re-create on Long Island in 2013, so stay tuned…. For more info see

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Beth Fiteni