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- Healthy Living
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Self-published authors share strategies for indie publications
Long Island Business News

Restaurants Go Strawless Ahead Of County Law
Long Islander News
Beth Fiteni, Heidi Cohen and Tara Marie Kotliar of Green Inside and Out show off the Strawless Suffolk door decal at Mac’s Steakhouse in Huntington village.


Suffolk County Plastic Reduction Task Force Proposes Suffolk Cleans-Up its Act
GIAO Director Beth Fiteni with Kara Hahn & the Suffolk County Single Use Plastic Reduction Task Force
GIAO Director Beth Fiteni with Kara Hahn & the Suffolk County Single Use Plastic Reduction Task Force

All Cottons Are Not Created Equal
Featuring The Green Wardrobe Guide

Featuring The Green Wardrobe Guide
La Repubblica! Italy's #1 newspaper
GIAO Director Beth Fiteni with Kara Hahn & the Suffolk County Single Use Plastic Reduction Task Force

Ask the Expert: Andrea Kennedy
Founder of Fashiondex
"According to friend and fellow sustainable Fashionista, Beth Fiteni, author of The Green Wardrobe Guide, we all can reduce our fashion carbon footprint by trying to repurpose our clothing more and by shopping at thrift stores more often.
Other notable mentions
- April 2011: News 12 segment on organic lawn care with “Go Green with 12”.
- Featured in multiple airings of the Neighborhood Network Radio show, airing on Hamptons Community Radio WEER 88.7fm, Sept. 2010- February 2011 (See neighborhood-network.org’s blog).
- October 2010: News 12 segment on how to have green Halloween with “Go Green with 12”.
- March 2010: Progressive Radio Network, with Bhavani Jaroff.
- July 2010: Telecare Channel 29 Half hour interview with Drew Bogner, President of Molloy College, on the Molloy Sustainability Institute and LI Interfaith Environment Network (LIIEN).
- August 2009, NBC Channel 4 news interview on county mosquito spraying.
- July 2008: Community Radio show on Hofstra University radio 88.7fm on green living.
- May 2008: Telecare Channel 29 Half hour interview with Drew Bogner, President of Molloy College, on green living.
- April 2008: Featured twice, two Mondays in a row, on “Long Island Naturally” Television segment on News 12 with Mary Mucci on how to reduce toxins in your bathroom (cosmetics, shampoos, etc), kitchen & home (pans, cleaners, organic cotton bedding).
- 2007: Healthy Planet radio show, Stony Brook radio station on global warming
- News 55- October 2007 News segment on LIPA’s offering of rebate for energy efficient light bulbs with LIPA Chairman Richie Kessel at Home depot in Farmingdale, NY.
- July 2006: Featured on “Long Island Naturally” Television segment on News 12 with Mary Mucci covering natural cosmetics.
- Two times featured on May Dooley’s Create Your Healthy Home Show on WBAI Radio 2005-2006: global warming, and organic lawn care
- Beth Fiteni's “organic” home was featured in a News 12 Breast Cancer Awareness Month piece, October 2005.
- Quoted in several Long Island newspaper and magazines (from 2002-present) including Newsday, Networking Magazine, Canvas Magazine, Daily News, Bellmore Herald, Long Islander, and Long Island Catholic on issues of organic alternatives to pesticides and clean energy issues.