Listen to the next Green Inside and Out Radio Show:
Friday, July 16, 2021
Broadcasting live on WUSB 90.1fm, 6pm ET from Long Island, NY.
The Green Inside and Out Radio Show airs live at 6pm, on the 3rd Friday of every month, on WUSB 90.1fm from Stony Brook, Long Island, NY and is also streamed online.
Subscribe for updates to learn more about upcoming guests and be notified when recordings are posted online.
Episode #78 | Live on 7/16/21 at 6pm ET
Join us for our final Green Inside and Out Radio Show with Glenda Alvarado-Ostrow, Chief Composting Officer of her company Grounds for a Peel Composting Inc.

Glenda Alvarado-Ostrow
Grounds For A Peel Composting Inc.
"I have always been an environmentalist at heart since I was a teenager, but I went on to do other types of jobs. I have been composting for at home for over ten years but I knew I wanted to do more for the community. Two years ago I decided to pursue my passion and start my company called Grounds For A Peel Composting. I knew there is so much food waste going to the landfill so I wanted and continue to want Long Island to divert its garbage from landfills. It is extremely important for us who live in an island to develop a better mouse trap for our garbage. My company is here to help residents and businesses to do the right thing with their scraps."

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Hosted by Beth Fiteni, the Green Inside and Out radio show covers (mostly) Long Island and NY regional environmental issues and the work of local organizations, including some national and international environmental news, environmental health issues and awareness of consumer choices, and alternative / green products.
This show airs every month. Subscribe for blog updates to Green Inside and Out to be notified of upcoming show dates and when shows are posted online.
The Green Inside and Out Radio Show won 2nd & 3rd Place for Best Environmental Radio at the Press Club of Long Island Media Awards 2019!
Thank you to the Press Club of LI for honoring the award-winning Green Inside and Out Radio Show 5 years in a row!

2nd & 3rd place in 2019!

1st, 2nd, & 3rd Place in 2018!

1st Place in 2017

1st & 3rd Place in 2016

1st & 2nd Place in 2015