Oct 21-23, 20011– The NYS Association of Conservation Commissions (NYSACC) held their annual meeting in Rensselearville, NY (near Albany) and I was invited to participate in a panel on climate change. It was a very smart and conscientious group, including some students who were given scholarships to attend. It was a fact-filled conference, with many from around the state sharing stories of their efforts to reduce their town’s greenhouse gas emissions. A compelling lecture was offered by Michael Gerrard, a well-known expert on environmental law from Columbia University. He spoke about the fact that when scientists talk about the effect of excess carbon dioxide, they have already taken into account all the natural background contributors, such as volcanoes and sun activity. He noted the widespread doubt being fostered by conservative news outlets and politicians, however there really is no scientific doubt anymore. Robert Moore, Environmental Advocates, spoke about hydrofracking and some of the other campaigns their organization is working on. I think everyone gained a lot of information that will assist them in going back to address the work that is clearly cut out for us. See www.nysaccny.org.